For our Licensed Aesthetician and Lash Specialist Programs
Our Licensed Esthetician and Licensed Lash Specialist Programs can be completed 100% online!!!
We have the following start dates:
Full-Time Programs:
Part-Time programs:
When doing your courses online, you remote into class via google classroom. You will still get the same license and education as you would on campus! We even have ways to get online students hands-on training. You will also get the same materials & supplies shipped to you that are included in your tuition cost, just like our on-campus students.
For our 100% online programs, in order to get the same hands-on learning experience as on-campus, we include a mannequin practice head in all our student kits, as well as your subscriptions to all of the learning platforms that you will need. Later on in your program, you will work with a live model, which can be anyone that you choose: friends, family, etc.
All of these assignments are then submitted via video/photo or are done step by step with your instructor over zoom, who will guide you through what you completed successfully, where you can improve, and help you to do it.
Basically, it is just like on-campus, without the commute to Allen, TX!
Our licensed aesthetician program is our full program, that also includes certification for lashes within your license. We include this certification because being able to offer lash services is a profitable and popular addition to their future business and/or career!
In Texas, (and many other locations), a lash license or a certification that is within a license such as an aesthetician/esthetician license is legally required to practice lashes and/or open up a lash studio.
We offer a Licensed Lash program, which is the lash-only portion of our full program. We have many students who want to open up a lash bar/studio business, work with lashes exclusively, or want a faster, less expensive course option to enter the aesthetic arts and beauty industry. (If you decide later to go for our full Aesthetician program you can also come back at less tuition cost and program hours.)
For more on either of these programs, scroll down to the bottom of this page for full overviews!
As a transfer student, you may have fewer hours required, and less tuition cost!
If you do have prior experience, please let us know at or call/text us at (469) 289-2837 to learn more!
Please note, in order to get your hours approved with TDLR as a transfer student, we will need a copy of either:
Here at IIOAAAB, we have had many students from other states and even countries! They were able to complete their program online, and then transfer their license to their local cosmetology/esthetics board successfully, and go on to open their own business or gain employment in our industry.
For all out-of-state students, we do recommend checking to make sure that your license/course program hours will transfer smoothly. You can do this by contacting your local professional cosmetology/esthetician professional board.
We were able to get these hours approved for some students before! Here at IIOAAAB, we work with our students to create a customized learning experience. If you would like to explore this option, please email us at or call/text (469) 289-2837 and we will get back to you.
Some previous student examples are:
International Institute of Aesthetic Arts & Beauty
1022 S. Greenville Suite #300 Allen, Texas 75002
"To educate passionate students in an opportunity-driven career
that leads to lifelong achievements"
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